
I, ...., promise to do my best. To do my duty to God and my country, To help other people, and To obey the Law of the Pack.

Monday, August 23, 2010

PInewood Derby District Race

What: Raven District Pinewood Derby

When: Saturday, March 26

Time: 1PM CDT Check in - Race Starts 2pm Sharp!!!

Where: Uvalde Baptist Church, 901 Uvalde, Housotn, TX 77015

Cost: $4 & $5 early registration .... $5 & $6 late registration

Pack Event - Aug. 28, 2010

Jacinto City Pool (Mercury Exit from IH10 in Jacinto City)
5pm to 8pm

*There is a fee to enter pool area.

Hot Dogs will be supplied with chips, and punch. Can bring your own drinks, too!
Lawn chairs are a good idea, too.

This will be counted towards the Summertime Award.

Webelos are encouraged to attend to do a separate activity at same location.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Pack Meeting - Tuesday, March 30th

We have a special guest coming to work on our Art Requirement before our Pack Mtg. tomorrow. Please wear your uniforms and bring your books.

What's Happening!!!

Click on the sheet above to see larger version

Pack 901 leaders and parent volunteers are busy planning some exciting things for 2010. Details will be posted as details are confirmed. Also, calendars will be passed out at weekly den meetings. Don’t forget to sign up for the activities your scout and family will participate in so we will have an accurate count.

Food Fair (23rd @ 8am)
Outdoor Picnic & Nature Hike (24th @ Sheldon Lake State Park)
Scouting for Food drop- off flyers (30th)

Roundtable (4th)
Scouting for Food pick-up (6th)
Pack Pinewood Derby (19th)
District Pinewood Derby (20th)
Ten Commandments Hike (20th)
Webelos – Bechtel Engineering (20th)
Blue & Gold (23rd)
Re-Charter (23rd)
Food Fair (27th @ 8am)

Roundtable & District Dinner (4th)
Webelos Woods (5-7)
Cub World Camp (26-28)
Food Fair (27th @ 8am)

Roundtable (1st)
Brazos Bend (10th)
Camping - Anahuac, TX (16-18)
Food Fair 8am (24th)
Scout Fair 11-4 (24th)

USS Lexington (1-2)
Pack Mtg. (4th)
Roundtable (6th)
Food Fair 8am (22nd)
Dinosaur Valley (29th-31st)

Roundtable (3rd)
Pack Graduation 11am Duessen Park Shelter 16 (5th)
Twilight Camp (7th-11th)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sunday, Jan. 24th 10:30am
We need Scouts (IN UNIFORM) to come before church service and hand out food drive flyers to members of the church as they are entering the sanctuary. You and your family are welcome to stay for the service.
Nature Center & Picnic - Sunday Jan. 24th
Sheldon Lake State Park
15315 Beaumont Hwy (old Hwy 90) @ Park Rd. 138
12:30pm join us for a picnic at the park and then our tour & hike will begin @ 1:30pm. Everyone will bring their own picnic. There will be fishing after the tour. This is a free event for the whole family. *Don't forget your fishing gear!
Contact Kellie Runkle with questions – 713-299-5971
Pack Meeting - Tuesday, Jan. 26th - 6:45pm
  • Please wear your uniforms
  • Pay your Dues
  • Have Fun!!!!